
April 7, 2024

Neutronium is the extremely dense, useable material found in the cores of Neutron stars, which can only be extracted through huge energy expenditure through machines or megastructures. The logistics and…

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Neutronium Evulsement Machine

A Neutronium Evulsement Machine is a stellar megastructure utilized by the Authority of the Throne to extract the extremely dense material located at the cores of Neutron stars, dubbed Neutronium….

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The Authority of the Throne

April 6, 2024

With the Imperator we Rest our Souls. The Authority of the Throne, known more commonly as the First Galactic Imperium or the Galactic Imperium, is an interstellar superpolity located in…

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January 14, 2024

Drudge are verinsteam automatons designed for general labor and security in hostile or otherwise strength-intensive environments. The Drudge range in exact shape and size, but generally have six limbs; two…

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Hammer of Eden

Hammer of Eden

January 3, 2024

The Hammer of Eden is a class-5 ionic pulse-array beam weapon situated on the warplanet of Khanr. It is a long-range anti-voidcraft defensive weapon capable of firing a destructive beam…

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Overview Titanis is a hostile planet inhabitable to carbon life-forms orbiting the star of Helios. Its surface is scarred by meteor impacts and the atmosphere is very thin. It is…

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